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dc.contributor.advisorMaêda, Jorge Mitiyo-
dc.contributor.authorBraga, José Lucio Pereira-
dc.description.abstractCom o objetivo de se verificar a estabilidade fenotípica de um clone de Eucalyptus urograndis, implantado em Aparecida – SP, efetuou-se aos 36 meses de idade, a verificação do seu comportamento ao longo do plantio de 31,1 ha. Foram avaliadas as características altura comercial do fuste (HC), circunferência à altura do peito (CAP), diâmetro da copa (DC), galhos vivos presentes até a altura do CAP (GV) e galhos mortos presentes até a altura do CAP (GM). A análise dos dados demonstrou que todas as características apresentam variâncias acima de zero, entre locais de amostragem. O Teste F entre locais demonstrou que, para essas características, as diferenças se encontram entre local de baixada com as demais, evidenciando a existência de interação entre o clone e ambientes. O Teste de médias também evidenciou a existência deste comportamento de instabilidade fenotípica do material plantado.pt_BR
dc.subjectSilvicultura clonalpt_BR
dc.titleEstabilidade fenotípica de clone de Eucalyptus urograndis, na Fazenda Bom Jardim - Aparecida - SPpt_BR
dc.contributor.membersMaêda, Jorge Mitiyo-
dc.contributor.membersMorokawa, Tokitika-
dc.contributor.membersSouza, Natália Dias de-
dc.description.abstractOtherWith the objective of be verified the phenotypic stability of a clone of Eucalyptus urograndis, implanted in Aparecida – SP performed itself to the 36 months of age the verification of his behavior to the plantation at 31.1 ha. They were evaluated the characteristics commercial height of the stem (HC), circumference of brest height (CAP), diameter of the cup (DC), present alive branches up to height of the CAP (GV) and present dead branches up to height of the CAP (GM). The analysis of the dates showed that all the characteristics present variances up than zero, between localities of sample. The Test F between localities showed that, for those characteristics, the differences are found between localities of lowland with the others localities, showing up the existence of interaction between the clone and environments. The Kruskal - Wallis Test, for variance analyses and medium of characteristics also showed up the existence of this behavior of phenotypic instability of the planted clone.pt_BR
Appears in Collections:TCC - Engenharia Florestal

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