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Tipo do documento: TCC
Título: Subsídios técnicos para o reenquadramento da Estação Ecológica de Água Limpa / IEFMG, Cataguases, MG
Autor(es): Forny, Patrícia Antonucci
Orientador(a): Valcarcel, Ricardo
Membro da banca: Valcarcel, Ricardo;Magalhães, Luis Mauro Sampaio;Pereira, Marcos Paulo S.
Palavras-chave: Unidade de Conservação;Recategorização;SNUC
Data do documento: 15-Fev-2008
Abstract: Natural protected areas comprise a practical form of conserve in situ ecosystems natural resource, were manage and rules of use are shared. These conditions suffer adjustment in way of new knowledge acquirement and social environmental demand, which gets greater when the resources are close to exhaustion. The National System of Conservation Units regulates this standardization in the country since 2000, establishing two groups of Conservation Units: a) Integral Protection and b) Sustainable Use. The correct categorization depends on harmonic offer of environmental attributes, and your capability of sustainable use, where the variable new knowledge is an important factor to take in account as it might be conditioning permanently the categorization. At Cataguases county - MG, environmental attributes and social demand from the area near the Estação Ecológica de Água Limpa was surveyed and analyzed in relation to it’s pertinent theoretical principles of an Integral Protection Conservation Unit, concluding that it doesn’t match with current legislation, being better adjusted to category of State Park.
Aparece nas coleções:TCC - Engenharia Florestal

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