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Tipo do documento: TCC
Título: Análise do tema de virologia em livros didáticos do ensino fundamental
Autor(es): Elias, Rafaela Souza Abdo
Orientador(a): Moura, Maria Verônica Leite Pereira
Membro da banca: Moura, Maria Verônica Leite Pereira;Sartório, Lúcia Aparecida Valadares;Santos, Débora Regina Lopes;Berto, Bruno Pereira
Palavras-chave: Virologia;Vacina;Sistema imunológico;Saúde
Data do documento: 18-Jul-2017
Abstract: The textbook is one of the main resources used by students inside and outside the classroom, and in many cases; it is the only study material available. In the last decades, there has been an increase with the concern in the way of analyzing the textbooks with the intention of improving the quality of these works. In this way, the science textbook deserves special attention because it is an important pedagogical resource used by teachers and students. In this context, science education needs to be highlighted, since this content, when properly exploited, can stimulate the development of research on different subjects related to science, among them the virus theme. Work analyzed the virus content in science textbooks of the 7th year of Elementary School. The structural, physical and conceptual criteria of five works adopted in different schools of municipalities in the State of Rio de Janeiro were evaluated. In this work, in addition to analyzing the main characteristics of viruses (general characteristics, viral replication and viruses and diseases), emphasis was placed on health content, such as vaccine and immune system, exposing the authors' difficulty in presenting these themes in a more Ample and complete, being able to clarify the subjects for the students. And a positive approach has been taken on the viruses, demonstrating that they can provide benefits to man and nature, deconstructing the negative image of these microorganisms. The books analyzed in this research, the majority presents the content of virology superficially, both referring to the general characteristics of viruses, as well as the health theme also included in this content, not being able to generate a health promotion as indicated by the Ministry of Education and Science. Thus, it is understood that there is no ideal book, but all the books analyzed were considered good quality and good pedagogical tools, so it was not possible to define which work was the best, since it was not the research proposal.
Aparece nas coleções:Monografias do Curso de Biologia

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