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dc.contributor.authorSenra, Carla da Glória Corrêa
dc.identifier.citationSENRA, Carla da Glória Corrêa. Do “Era uma vez” ao “Fim”: uma abordagem metacognitiva da progressão textual no Ensino Fundamental. Seropédica, 2019. 128 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Letras) - Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, 2019.por
dc.description.abstractmetacognition, textual progression, opening and closingpor
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpor
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiropor
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopor
dc.subjectprogressão textualpor
dc.subjectabertura e fechamentopor
dc.subjecttextual progressioneng
dc.subjectopening and closingeng
dc.titleDo “Era uma vez” ao “Fim”: uma abordagem metacognitiva da progressão textual no Ensino Fundamental.por
dc.title.alternativeFrom "Once upon a time" to "The End": a metacogni-tive approach to textual progression in Elementary School.eng
dc.description.abstractOtherAssuming as a problem question the students' transference from typical fairy tale marks to textual genres of a dissertation nature, this dissertation aims to investigate the rela-tions between the student's process of recognition of textual progression and reading practices proposed by the teacher. Specifically, we sought to (i) promote analyzes about the open / close function that directly affects the succession of actions identified coherently in a textual sequence; (ii) investigate the relationship between reading practices involving infe rential operations and the conception of textual progression of students in the final years of Basic Education; (iii) to elaborate and evaluate the effectiveness of metacognitive activities involv-ing the recognition in the reading of the main sequences that guarantee the progression of the written text. Thus, based on Tripp's (2005) research methodology, we elaborate a proposal of pedagogical mediation and adopt the metacognitive approach, providing the process of recognition of the main information that allows the textual progression, comparing the fairy tale to the news. The pedagogical mediation proposal was applied in a class of the 7th year of Elementary School in a municipal public school in Rio de Janeiro in eight classes. In the analysis of the process and the results, we return to the objectives to highlight the following points, highlights of the pedagogical proposal: (i) although both genres are composed by Nar-rative and Descriptive modes of textual organization, according to Charaudeau (2016) textu-al, in the fairy tale, occurs in a linear fashion; and in the news, in chronological inversion, through the procedures of condensation and expansion, respectively; (ii) Hopper's (1979) idea of figure and background based on the language categories can be explored to identify the central information of the text, contributing to the development of higher reading levels, ac-cording to Applegate, Quinn and Applegate (2002); (iii) schematic charts and timelines have proved to be good pedagogical strategies for students to become aware of the central infor-mation that makes up the backbone of the text.eng
dc.contributor.advisor1Lessa, Adriana Tavares Maurício
dc.contributor.advisor1IDCPF: 117.103.927-11por
dc.contributor.referee1Martins, Adriana Leitão
dc.contributor.referee2Costa, Wagner Alexandre dos Santos
dc.creator.IDCPF: 099.549.467-30por
dc.publisher.departmentInstituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociaispor
dc.publisher.programPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Letraspor
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