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Tipo do documento: Dissertação
Título: Avaliação fisiológica e crescimento de pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum l.) com diferentes lâminas de irrigação
Título(s) alternativo(s): Physiological evaluation and growth of black pepper (Piper nigrum l.) with different irrigation depths
Autor(es): Teles, Gean Corrêa
Orientador(a): Carvalho, Daniel Fonseca de
Primeiro coorientador: Medici, Leonardo Oliveira
Primeiro membro da banca: Carvalho, Daniel Fonseca de
Segundo membro da banca: Silva, Leonardo Duarte Batista da
Terceiro membro da banca: Bonomo, Robson
Palavras-chave: Níveis de irrigação;Demanda hídrica;Eficiência fotossintética;Irrigation levels;Irrigation levels;Water demand;Water demand;Photosynthetic efficiency;Photosynthetic efficiency
Área(s) do CNPq: Agronomia
Idioma: por
Data do documento: 28-Set-2020
Editor: Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
Sigla da instituição: UFRRJ
Departamento: Instituto de Agronomia
Programa: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Fitotecnia
Citação: TELES, Gean Corrêa. Avaliação fisiológica e crescimento de pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum l.) com diferentes lâminas de irrigação. 2020. 67p Dissertação (Mestrado em Fitotecnia) - Instituto de Agronomia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, 2020.
Resumo: A pimenta-do-reino (Piper nigrum L.) é a mais importante especiaria comercializada no mundo e é utilizada em larga escala como condimento e em indústrias de carnes e conservas. O Brasil está entre os maiores produtores mundiais, sendo os estados do Pará e do Espírito Santo os principais responsáveis pelo cultivo e produção da pimenta-do-reino. Nos cultivos comerciais, os sistemas de irrigação têm sido utilizados contribuindo para o aumento da produtividade, apesar da falta de manejo correto e da indisponibilidade de informações sobre a necessidade hídrica da cultura. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi, portanto, avaliar a influência de níveis de suprimento de água de irrigação no crescimento da cultura da pimenta-do-reino em condição de campo. O estudo foi desenvolvido no setor de Horticultura do Instituto de Agronomia da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, no período de abril/2019 a maio/2020. As mudas de pimenta-do-reino, cv. Bragantina, com a 6 a 8 folhas foram cultivadas em embalagens plásticas de 25 L instaladas em campo aberto e submetidas a diferentes níveis de irrigação. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso (DBC), com 4 tratamentos (níveis de irrigação) e 6 repetições. Foi utilizado espaçamento de 1,0 m por 1,5 m, com 2 plantas por parcela, totalizando 48 plantas. A aplicação de água foi realizada por microirrigação, com emissores autocompensantes com vazões combinadas de 2,2; 3,3; 4,3 e 5,3 L h-1 . O sistema de irrigação foi manejado automaticamente pelo Acionador Simplificado de Irrigação (ASI) e o volume aplicado medido por leituras diárias em um hidrômetro. Durante a condução do experimento foram avaliados, com periodicidade de 15 dias, a altura da planta, o diâmetro do caule, o número total de folhas e os teores de clorofila (a, b e total). Foram também avaliadas a fluorescência da clorofila a aos 120, 238, 386 e 391 dias após o transplantio (DAT). Aos 391 DAT foram mensurados a área foliar, a massa fresca e seca de parte aérea, a massa seca de raiz, além do número, comprimento e massas seca e fresca de espigas em diferentes estádios de maturação. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Quando significativos, os dados foram comparados por análise de regressão, a 5% de probabilidade pelo teste F. Todos os parâmetros avaliados apresentaram aumento de valor com o aumento dos níveis de irrigação, com variação de 40% na altura, 55% no número de folhas, 57% na área foliar entre o maior e o menor nível de irrigação. A pimenta-do-reino é considerada sensível ao estresse hídrico apresentando perdas expressivas no acúmulo de massas fresca e seca. A eficiência fotossintética e a concentração dos pigmentos de clorofila das plantas foram negativamente afetadas pelo estresse hídrico e o número e massa das espigas foram reduzidos
Abstract: Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is the most important spice sold worldwide and it is used on a large scale as a condiment and the meat and canning industries. Brazil is among the largest world producers, with the states of Pará and Espírito Santo the main responsible for the cultivation and production of black pepper. In commercial crops, irrigation systems have been used contributing to the increase in productivity, despite the lack of correct management and the availability of information on the water needs of the crop. The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of water supply levels on the growth of black pepper culture in field conditions. The study was developed in the Horticulture sector of the Agronomy Institute of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, from April / 2019 to May / 2020. The black pepper seedlings, cv. Bragantina, with 6 to 8 leaves were grown in plastic containers of 25 L installed in an open field and submitted to different irrigation levels. The experimental design used was in randomized blocks (DBC), with 4 treatments (irrigation levels) and 6 replications. Spacing of 1.0 m by 1.5 m was used, with 2 plants per plot, totaling 48 plants. The water was applied by micro-irrigation system, using self-compensating emitters with combined flow rates of 2.2; 3.3; 4.3 and 5.3 L h-1 . The irrigation management was carried out automatically by the Simplified Irrigation Controller (SIC) and the applied volume measured by daily readings on a hydrometer. During the experiment, the height of the plant, stem diameter, total number of leaves and the levels of chlorophyll (a, b and total) were evaluated every 15 days. Chlorophyll a fluorescence at 120, 238, 386 and 391 days after transplantation (DAT) were also evaluated. At 391 DAT, leaf area, fresh and dry shoot weight, dry root weight, and number, length and dry and fresh weight of ears at different maturation stages were measured. The data were subjected to analysis of variance, at a 5% significance level. In the cases of significance, the data were compared by regression analysis, at 5% probability by the F test. There was an increase in the values of all parameters with the increase in irrigation levels, with a variation of 40% in height, 55% in the number of leaves, 57% in the leaf area between the highest and the lowest irrigation level. Black pepper is considered sensitive to water stress with significance loss in the accumulation of fresh and dry mass. The photosynthetic efficiency and the concentration of chlorophyll pigments in plants were negatively affected by water stress and the number and weight of ears was reduced
Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is the most important spice sold worldwide and it is used on a large scale as a condiment and the meat and canning industries. Brazil is among the largest world producers, with the states of Pará and Espírito Santo the main responsible for the cultivation and production of black pepper. In commercial crops, irrigation systems have been used contributing to the increase in productivity, despite the lack of correct management and the availability of information on the water needs of the crop. The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of water supply levels on the growth of black pepper culture in field conditions. The study was developed in the Horticulture sector of the Agronomy Institute of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, from April / 2019 to May / 2020. The black pepper seedlings, cv. Bragantina, with 6 to 8 leaves were grown in plastic containers of 25 L installed in an open field and submitted to different irrigation levels. The experimental design used was in randomized blocks (DBC), with 4 treatments (irrigation levels) and 6 replications. Spacing of 1.0 m by 1.5 m was used, with 2 plants per plot, totaling 48 plants. The water was applied by micro-irrigation system, using self-compensating emitters with combined flow rates of 2.2; 3.3; 4.3 and 5.3 L h-1 . The irrigation management was carried out automatically by the Simplified Irrigation Controller (SIC) and the applied volume measured by daily readings on a hydrometer. During the experiment, the height of the plant, stem diameter, total number of leaves and the levels of chlorophyll (a, b and total) were evaluated every 15 days. Chlorophyll a fluorescence at 120, 238, 386 and 391 days after transplantation (DAT) were also evaluated. At 391 DAT, leaf area, fresh and dry shoot weight, dry root weight, and number, length and dry and fresh weight of ears at different maturation stages were measured. The data were subjected to analysis of variance, at a 5% significance level. In the cases of significance, the data were compared by regression analysis, at 5% probability by the F test. There was an increase in the values of all parameters with the increase in irrigation levels, with a variation of 40% in height, 55% in the number of leaves, 57% in the leaf area between the highest and the lowest irrigation level. Black pepper is considered sensitive to water stress with significance loss in the accumulation of fresh and dry mass. The photosynthetic efficiency and the concentration of chlorophyll pigments in plants were negatively affected by water stress and the number and weight of ears was reduced
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